Full-body workout and full stability
Functional training is not about training in an isolated manner. Daily movements are performed with load. You will get more stability in everyday life, more coordination in certain movements and a strengthening of the deep muscles. Our functional area is freely accessible to you.
You can create your own workouts and let your imagination run wild. Need to improve your sprint? Then sprint! You want to jump higher? Then jump! Or have you ever experimented with the Kettlebell, the Bulgarian Bag, or the Battle Ropes? Then go crazy on them.
Among other things you will also find slam balls, wall balls, a SkiErgo, a Curved Runner, an AirBike and a GHD. The floor is perfectly suited for weightlifting, and there are enough weight plates or dumbbells available.
If you still lack confidence or have no experience with free training, then join our group courses! Classes are coach-led, with a maximum of 10 participants so we can correct everybody. Lessons are included in the annual membership!
- 10 racks
- Weighs discs
- Weight bars
- Sledges
- Running track 30 meters
- Synthetic turf 20 meters
- Stretching mats
- Jump Box
Full-body workout and full stability
Functional training is not about training in an isolated manner. Daily movements are performed with load. You will get more stability in everyday life, more coordination in certain movements and a strengthening of the deep muscles. Our functional area is freely accessible to you.
You can create your own workouts and let your imagination run wild. Need to improve your sprint? Then sprint! You want to jump higher? Then jump! Or have you ever experimented with the Kettlebell, the Bulgarian Bag, or the Battle Ropes? Then go crazy on them.
Among other things you will also find slam balls, wall balls, a SkiErgo, a Curved Runner, an AirBike and a GHD. The floor is perfectly suited for weightlifting, and there are enough weight plates or dumbbells available.
If you still lack confidence or have no experience with free training, then join our group courses! Classes are coach-led, with a maximum of 10 participants so we can correct everybody. Lessons are included in the annual membership!
- 10x Racks
- Bumper Plates
- Plate Maschinen
- Schlitten
- Laufbahn 30Meter
- Kunstrasen 20Meter
- Stretching Matten
- Jump Box
Ski Ergo
The Concept2 SkiErg combines strengthening and endurance training. In addition to an excellent upper body training, the SkiErg also works abdominal/back muscles and the legs with each pull . The SkiErg is suitable for both Nordic skiing techniques (double poling and diagonal stride technique). Whether you are an amateur or a professional cross-country skier, or just looking for a great workout, the SkiErg will help you achieve your goals.
Curved Runner
Concept 2 Rower
Air Bike
Ski Ergo
Curved Runner
Concept 2 Rower
Air Bike
Using air resistance, the Assault AirBike automatically adjusts to the effort you want to make. The harder you force, the greater the resistance. This is very simple physical phenomenon that has an important effect.
Crossfit for a clear picture of your training
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- J
- K
- L
- M
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- W
In order to relieve the spine in the lumbar region, a small cushion, called an abmat, is used during sit-ups.Air squat
Squat with no weight. AMRAP for “As many repetitions/rounds as possible”Arch
This exercise, often called “Superman”, strengthens the back muscles. The athlete lies on his stomach with arms and legs fully extended. By contracting the back and gluteal muscles, the legs, arms and entire upper body are lifted.Ball slam
A heavy ball is lifted from the ground to the head, then thrown with a momentum to the ground.Back squat
Squat with a barbell positioned on the neck during execution.Bear crawl
The exercise imitates the gait of a bear. Hands are placed flat on the floor in front of the body. Then walk forward in a diagonal stride pattern, keeping the legs and arms permanently outstretched throughout the exercise. In addition to flexibility in the legs, gluteal muscles and lower back, elbows and shoulders are also strengthened.Benchmark workouts
These are globally standardized workouts that allow you to test your own performance and improvement by appearing repeatedly and irregularly in the WOD (Workout of the day).BP Bench press
Lying on your back, a barbell is lowered with both hands towards your chest and pushed up with outstretched arms.Box
CrossFit was born in the United States and was initially practiced in garages. Therefore, you don’t train in a gymnasium or a fitness studio, but in a box. These boxes often still have the character of a garage or a similar structure.Box jump
Jump onto an elevated surface, usually a wooden box.un – broken
Do a set of exercises or a WOD without recovery time. A set is said to be “broken” if you can’t do the given number of reps without stopping.Burpee
An exercise that combines squats, push-ups and stretch jumps.Butterfly pull-up
Pull-ups performed with a special technique. This allows a faster sequence of movements.C2B (Chest to bar pull-up)
Pull-ups are performed so that the chest touches the pull-up bar below the collarbone at the uppermost point.Clean
Lift a barbell from the floor to the shoulders. To do this, you must get under the bar as soon as it reaches hip height.C&J (Clean and jerk)
Snatch movement (lifting a barbell from the floor to the shoulders), then clean-and-jerk overhead.DL (Deadlift)
Lifting a barbell from the floor to hip height.Dip
The body is supported by both arms resting on two horizontal bars, so that it is suspended vertically. Then both arms are bent and the body is lowered until the shoulders are lower than the elbows. Then both arms are stretched again so that they return to the starting position.DU (Double unders)
A skipping exercise in which the skipping rope goes around the athlete twice per jump.EMOM (Every minute on the minute)
At the beginning of each minute, a sequence of movements is performed and repeated again and again every minute.Farmers walk
Farmers walk involves carrying loads in both hands (e.g. kettlebells) such as shopping bags over a certain distance. In addition to training strength and endurance, this exercise also improves the balance of the person doing it.Front squat
Squat in which a barbell is placed at neck level on the shoulders during execution.GHD (Glute ham developer)
An exercise machine to strengthen back, abdominal, gluteal and hamstring muscles.Girls
The so-called “Girls” are challenging workouts, which are performed on a regular basis worldwide. Coach Greg Glassman’s (CrossFit founder) explanation for why the workouts are all named after women is that “Anything that left you flat on your back, looking up at the sky asking ‘what just happened to me?’ deserves a female name.”GTOH/G2O (Ground to overhead)
Lifting a barbell from the floor overhead. The athlete is free to perform the movement as a clean and jerk, snatch or bench press. In the overhead position, both arms must be outstretched.Hero WODs
Hero Workouts are the male counterpart to Girls workouts and are generally longer and much more strenuous than regular workouts. They are named after American soldiers who died in combat to honour them.Hollow rock
This exercise strengthens and improves the stability of the trunk muscles. You lie on your back with your arms and legs stretched out, then you lift your arms and legs off the floor and start to swing back and forth with your torso stretched out.HSPU (Handstand push-up)
Starting position in handstand push-up, then lower down until the head touches the floor. Then you push back up with your arms to the starting position.Jerk
The clean and jerk is an Olympic discipline from weightlifting. As a rule, the exercise is performed in the combination “clean and jerk”. After lifting the barbell to the shoulders (clean), the lifter jerks it overhead to arm’s lengthKBS (Kettlebell swing)
An iron ball with a handle is held in front of the body with both hands in a standing position. The kettlebell is then raised above the head thanks to an explosive extension of the hip. The kettlebell is then brought back to the starting position with the arms at hip level.Kipping pull-up
A hip flexion and extension facilitates the pulling movement. This allows you to do more pull-ups in less time.K2E (Knees to elbow)
While holding onto the pull-up bar, both knees are simultaneously lifted as high as possible towards the chest.L-sit
Arms outstretched and supported on bars or rings, legs are lifted straight up so that trunk and legs form an “L”.MBC (Medball clean)
A medicine ball is lifted from the floor to shoulder height using hip extension.MU (Muscle up)
This combination of movements is performed on rings or a horizontal bar. First a pull-up is performed, then a dip.OHS (Overhead squat)
A squat in which a barbell is held overhead with outstretched arms during execution.Pistol squat
A squat performed on one leg while the other is extended forward.Pd (Pod)
Weight unit for kettlebells (1 Pood = 16 kilograms, 2 Pood = 32 kilograms)Power clean
Movement of a barbell from the floor to the shoulders. Unlike the clean, the knees are only slightly bent to bring the barbell to shoulder height.Power snatch
Snatch (see Snatch) without going into a deep squat.PR (Personal record)
Athlete’s personal best performance.Pull-up
There are several techniques to perform pull-ups in an efficient way. Kipping pull-ups and butterfly pull-ups are the most commonly used techniques (see definitions above).Push jerk
A barbell held at shoulder height is lifted upward using an explosive hip extension. While the barbell is still in the upward phase, the athlete flexes until the barbell is stabilized overhead with arms extended. The legs are then extended again and the athlete returns to the starting position.Push press
A barbell held at shoulder height is lifted upward using an explosive hip extension.Push-up
The push-up is an effective exercise for strengthening the abdomen, arms and shoulders.Quadruple unders
Rope jumps in which the rope goes around the athlete four times per jump.Renegade row
Both arms rest on a kettlebell, feet on the ground, in a plank position. The body forms a straight line. Then one kettlebell is alternately lifted upwards.Ring dip
The two arms stretched in the rings keep the body straight. Then both elbows are bent so that the shoulders drop lower than the elbows. Then both arms are extended again to return to the starting position.Ring row
In this exercise, the body is pulled towards suspended rings with the feet on the ground or on a boxRM (Repetition maximum)
Maximum weight lifted for a given number of repetitions, for example 1RM (maximum weight lifted for 1 repetition) or 10RM (maximum weight lifted for 10 repetitions).Rope jump
Rope jump is an exercise in which the rope goes around the athlete as fast as possible.Row
Rowing is not only one of the most intense endurance sports, but it also provides an optimal muscle workout for all major muscle groups.Russian twist
Sitting on the floor, a heavy object such as a weight disc, medicine ball or kettlebell is placed on the thighs. Then, the object is lifted with the arms as well as the legs. Finally, the object is moved alternately to the left and right of the pelvis.Rx
When the exercise is performed as indicated (weight, difficulty, etc.).Singles
Rope jumps in which the jump rope goes around the athlete once per jump.Shoulder press
Lifting a barbell positioned at shoulder height over the head without swinging. In the upper position both elbows must be outstretched.STOH (Shoulder to overhead)
A barbell at shoulder height is raised above the head. The athlete is free to perform the movement with a Clean and Jerk, Clean and Push press or a Snatch. In the upper position both elbows must be outstretched.Sit-up
In a sit-up, the upper body is raised vertically from a lying position. In addition, the soles of the feet are brought together and the knees are placed outward to more strongly engage the abdominal muscles.Snatch
The snatch is a discipline of weightlifting. It is a coordinated and continuous movement performed at high speed. The hands are spaced far enough apart to allow for a full squat with the bar at arm’s length above the head.Squat
The squat comes in a variety of styles. The following variations are often used: Air squat, back squat, Front squat, overhead squat. Squat clean: The consecutive execution of a clean and a front squat.Strict pull-up
A pull-up performed without swinging the body.SDHP (Sumo deadlift high pull)
Standing with legs wide apart, the barbell is grabbed with both hands in the center. A deadlift is then performed, first pulling the shoulders up, then bending the elbows until the bar reaches just below chin height. The barbell is then returned to the floor.Tabata
Tabata is a very intensive interval training program developed by Japanese researcher Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo. Each exercise consists of 8 intervals of 20 seconds each, with a 10-second rest in between.TGU (Turkish get-up)
Lying on his or her back with a kettlebell held overhead, the athlete must stand up in a given sequence of movements while keeping the kettlebell in the same position. Then the same sequence of movements is reversed until the athlete is again lying on the floor.Thruster
Perform a front squat and a push press one after the other.Time cap
Time frame in which the training must be performed.Tire flip
A large (tractor) tire placed on the ground is lifted into an upright position, then turned over.Triple unders
Rope jumps in which the jump rope goes around the athlete three times per jump.T2B (Toes to bar)
In the pull-up position, both legs are lifted at the same time to touch the bar at hand level.Walking lunges
Walking exercise while doing wide lunges.Wall ball
A medicine ball is thrown to a specified height against a surface (wall or board) and caught again using a specified technique. The throwing height is 3 meters (10 ft) for men and 2.7 meters (9 ft) for women.Wall climb
The body is in plank position at the beginning of the movement. The soles of the feet touch the wall. Then enough pressure is applied with the arms to move the feet up the wall until the abdomen touches the wall and the movement ends in a handstand position. Then the arms are moved forward again and the feet are brought down the wall to the starting position.Whiteboard
The upcoming WOD (workout of the day) is written on the whiteboard. After the workout, the athletes’ results are recorded next to it.WOD (Workout of the day)
The WOD describes the sequence of a training session with the exercises to be performed.Other areas
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+41 44 919 00 77
Hardgutstrasse 16, 8048 Zürich
Opening hours
365 days, open 24 hours
Supervision Time slots
Monday to Friday
from 12:00 to 21:00
12:00 - 4:00 pm
Lionsoul 24h Gym Zurich
Opening hours
Time slots under supervision
Monday to Friday
12:00 – 21:00
12:00 – 16:00
* Upon request, we can also organize personal training sessions out of the supervised opening hours.
Lionsoul 24h Gym Zurich
Hardgutstrasse 16
8048 Zurich
+41 44 919 00 77
Opening hours
Time slots under supervision
12:00 – 21:00
12:00 – 16:00
* Upon request, we can also organize personal training sessions out of the supervised opening hours.
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